
Articles Posted in Reports


Draft Climate Assessment Report Released

The National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee has released a draft climate assessment report for public comment. The Draft Report discusses the various aspects of climate change and specific impacts on the various regions of the United States. The Executive Summary provides an overview of the report with cross…


New Study Determines Sea Level Rise Has Been Underestimated

In the Environmental Research Letter released this week in IOP Science, a new study concludes that recent projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underestimate actual sea level rise. The study concludes: ” the rise in CO2 concentration and global temperature has continued to closely match the projections…


California Climate Change Assessment

California has issued its third assessment of the Impacts and potential responses to Climate Change. “Our Changing Climate 2012” issued by the California Climate Change Center looks at “adaptation options in regional case studies and offers insights into regulatory, legal, socioeconomic and other barriers to adaptation so that they can…


UCLA Study Predicts Significant Warming in L.A. Region

In a study released this week, UCLA predicts significant warming in Los Angeles and the surrounding area by mid-century. The study “shows projected climate changes down to the neighborhood level…” Among the study’s conclusions: “Southern Californians should expect slightly warmer winters and springs but much warmer summers and falls, with…


World Meteorological Organization Releases Provisional Statement on the Status of the Global Climate

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Authority on global climate released its 2011 provisional statement this week. One of the most striking statements contained in the release is that presently ” 2011’s nominal value ranks as the equal 10th highest on record, and the 13 warmest years have…


California Study of Sea Level Rise Predicts Significant Economic Impacts

A study commissioned by the California Department of Boating and Waterways has concluded that there is the potential for significant economic impacts from rising sea levels on California’s coastal communities. The report was prepared by economists from San Francisco State University. The study notes that it took into account a…


Cutting Non-Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gases Could Provide Faster Relief From The Impacts Of Greenhouse Gases Upon Climate Change

In a report published last week in the Journal Nature by contributing authors from NOAA, it was suggested that reducing non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases would result in some more rapid benefits in combating climate change. The report states: “methane, nitrous oxide and ozone-depleting substances (largely from sources other than fossil…