
Scottish Government Announces Climate Justice Fund

The government of Scotland announced the formation of a Climate Justice Fund to aid less industrialized countries deal with the impacts of climate change.

In a press release from the government, Professor Alan Miller, Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission is quoted as saying:

“Climate justice is a key issue for many of our sister institutions around the world, especially in developing countries where the impacts of climate change are being felt right now, and in very harsh terms, by some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Climate change impacts on rights to life, livelihoods and the ways of life of many millions of people in the developing world, and is the greatest challenge to our planet this century.

The people who have contributed least to the problem are suffering the most. This situation is manifestly unfair and cannot continue. The Climate Justice Fund is a welcome step forward, and should result in Scotland opening up new ways to share technology, experience and expertise, as well as funding.”

-Steven Silverberg