
Report Issued by Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience

The interagency Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience issued a report outlining opportunities to coordinate among federal agencies, along with state and local stakeholders in developing resiliency strategies. The report identifies three “themes” for implementing resilience in the face of climate change.

“Theme 1: Advancing and applying science-based information, technology, and tools to address climate risk. The Obama Administration has worked to connect the best-available climate science, data, and tools to communities and organizations throughout the Nation. The Federal Government can continue its critical role in this work through advancing observations, research, modeling, and innovative technology development, and communicating and translating information to support decision making. Opportunities within this theme are the following:

 Improve awareness and dissemination of climate information

 Enhance usability of climate tools for decision making

 Facilitate co-production of knowledge and tools

 Improve understanding of the economics of climate change

 Evaluate progress and performance of resilience investments

 Support cross-sector collaboration to advance research and development

Theme 2: Integrating climate resilience into Federal agency missions, operations, and culture. The President has used executive action to build the foundation for climate resilience in the Federal Government. Continuing this work would ensure that the Federal Government fulfills its responsibility to the American people to continue its statutory missions, operations, and programs in the face of climate change. Opportunities within this theme are the following:

 Strengthen resilience coordination across Federal agencies

 Strengthen Federal workforce capacity through leadership direction and training

 Expand incentives and requirements to increase the resilience of infrastructure and buildings

 Address national security risks from climate change

 Conserve, restore, and manage ecosystems to enhance resilience

 Apply climate-resilient approaches to international development

Theme 3: Supporting community efforts to enhance climate resilience. The Obama Administration has demonstrated its commitment to support communities as they develop strategies and partnerships for building climate resilience. The Federal Government can continue to support communities through stakeholder engagement to understand on-the-ground needs and build capacity. Opportunities within this theme are the following: 

Build capacity, meaningfully engage communities, and invest in local leaders 

Strengthen place-based approaches to climate resilience 

Integrate resilience into health and social-service delivery  Improve navigability of Federal resources

 Encourage comprehensive preparedness”

The report outlines its objectives as follows:

“The impacts of climate change—including an increase in prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy downpours, an increase in wildfires, more severe droughts, thawing permafrost, ocean acidification, and sea level rise—are already affecting communities, natural and cultural resources, ecosystems, economies, and public health across the United States. These impacts come with significant costs. Across the country, governments, businesses, and communities are taking important steps to prepare themselves… This document describes opportunities developed by the Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience (Resilience Council) to: support science and research for building resilience to climate change impacts, ensure the resilience of Federal operations and facilities in a changing climate, protect critical infrastructure and public resources, and establish and implement policies that promote resilience and support community-based resilience planning and implementation.”

The report then goes on to detail various studies and efforts implemented by the government to address climate resilience on all levels, including various executive orders related to resilience.

-Steven Silverberg